Friday, March 21, 2008

Being completely honest with myself...

Being completely honest with myself I am forced to admit that there is absolutely no empirical or material or logical observational proof for any supernatural beings or being.

I have no logical reason either scientific or empirical for believing in a GOD or GODS.

I do in fact believe very much that there is a Supreme being.

But I have no logical sensible reason for doing so.

My belief is solely rooted in emotionalism and personal faith, not logic or reason.

I like the idea of an all powerful being watching over me who is in control of the universe. It comforts me and enables me to get through daily life.

You can read all the Bibles and Q'urans and Torahs and such that you want to but at the end of the day you are in the same boat with me.

YOu believe in your interpretation of GOD or GODS because it makes you feel better, not because you actually have a single shred of proof.

See, that's why I don't take extreme actions on behalf of the GOD I believe in, because at the end of the day I have no proof such a being exists.

And I would feel damned silly doing harmful things for a being or beings that may not even be real.


Anonymous said...

"My belief is solely rooted in emotionalism and personal faith, not logic or reason." See how there's a god after all?

Vigoratus said...

Well, Joanne does like to say such things...